Monday, February 25, 2013

Feb 25, 2013

Okay, lots of news this week in the mission! Sounds like you guys already found out but they are splitting our mission up! So it´s going to be in July, the Mission Posadas Misiones, which is where I started the mission! It´s so cool to hear that! Santo Tomé will also be apart of that mission, so my first two areas are going to be apart of the Posadas Mission. Pretty exciting to see what will happen!! So yesterday we had 8 people in church and we´re SUPER excited. Guillermo and Viviana are doing great. It´s funny because they both have 40 years and it´s literally like teaching you mom and dad but if you didn´t have kids and weren´t married. But we love them so much. They also love us a lot, and they actually gave us a t-shirt each, and we are doing all the paperwork for them to get married in 2 weeks!! They are so prepared, and we are super excited. We also found an awesome family this week, the family Vallejos. A family of 4 that are all so prepared, and went to church the first week we found them, AND they sang the hymns in church. They always say that if they sing the hymns they´re golden! It was really cool finding them, because the first time we went by, we felt to talk to them, they were all outside, and they told us "Hundreds of missionaries have passed by, and we ALWAYS just reject them, but for some reason we decided to let you guys in, and now we really feel the difference that you guys have in our lives, and the difference in what we feel when you are in our house teaching us". Oh and that´s another thing, they actually let us in the house! Very very few times have people actually let us teach in their house. We always just teach outside, so that´s a huge plus! haha so we´ll see. If you could all please pray for Guillermo and Viviana, the Family Vallejos, and Lucia and Gustavo, and Facundo Oritiz. They are the people who attended church and we are really blessed right now to have so many people to teach. IT´s been over a year since this area has had so many people in church, and we´re working our butts off for the Zone and for our area. Also, something really cool, is we actually completed the goal for this month in baptisms for the first time since october that the zone Resistencia has completed the goal!! Wooo Hoo!!! So we´re super excited about that, and so is President and The Assistants. But thanks for everything, I hope all is going well. I´m super excited to hear about where Tean is going!!! Thanks for everything have a great week, love you all!


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